Just my inane rantings about school, art, my writing, whatever.
Published on December 14, 2003 By Heart of Malice In Misc
Current Mood: Getting There ~_~ Grr. Bored. Sick. Snowing. Gonna work on Hybrid if I could just think of how to start it off. Honestly, it doesn't make sense how I can have it completely planned out in my mind and yet it's impossible to get down on paper. I think Tris is mad at me. She's always mad when I have to go, I'm fucking sick though! It's not my fault I can't stay up until 4:00 AM like I usually do.. but I still feel bad I mean she stays on for me and everything..Meh. This thing on my lip is finally going away () maybe I'll actually look human tomorrow, if we even have school. We're supposed to get something like 17 inches of snow my mom said, which would be awesome. As long as the power doesn't go out, then I'd be screwed lol *hugs her tempermental computer and TV and bass and doggie* Hee, I never said about my dog. His name's Buddy, he's like 5 now. Lab husky collie mix, I love heem. I wanted to name him Morty but they wouldn't let me, lol. I was such a fucking weirdass kid. Anyway.. Hopefully this either goes away by Monday, or we have a snowday and it goes away by Tuesday.. *thinks about Seth* Damn... I hate cute guys! It sucketh biggeth. I guess that's it for now, I'm sort of preoccupied with ideas for Hybrid so I guess I'll work on that, maybe I'll come back and post later. Maybe call Amanda or something. Whatever. PeAcE OfF!
on Dec 14, 2003
Try taking Lysine for that sore on you lip...I have them, too, when I'm sick. Lysine also prevents me from getting them. Hope you feel better real soon.
on Dec 19, 2003
Hey I use to have a dog named Buddy too only he was a cocker spaniel. He was black and white. I hada end up pawning him off to my neighbor though because he was just absolutely too darn destructive. Just couldn't leave him alone. He would ransack my entire apartment. So I left him in the bathroom and he bout chewed the dang door off. Was just wondering what Hybird was though. Is that a new song or something you're learning on the bass? Peace! GCJ