Just my inane rantings about school, art, my writing, whatever.
Published on December 18, 2003 By Heart of Malice In Misc
Haven't updated in a while because it wouldn't let me, go figure on that. Nothing much has changed, thank god tomorrow is the last day before break. Me and Julie accidently skipped 6th period today while we were looking at makeup or some shit, lol. First time either of us have ever skipped, so that was interesting. I met a bunch of Renee`'s friends the other day. It's weird, they're the kind of people that you feel like you've known forever, and they all tlak to me in the halls now. I think I'm popular, someone shoot me. It's really weird, though, having friends and shit. Meh. I'm going over Julie's house on Saturday for some reason, or she might come here instead *shrugs* either way. I have to give her the Inuyasha poster I'm making for her, for Christmas (But I have to finish the damned thing first! >.<) so hopefully she likes that... I think I'm failing this quarter, I haven't handed hardly anything in and I've only done P.E like 8 times in the whole marking period. *clings desperately to her bass* I swear, if they take my bass or ground me I'm killing myself. I can't live without my guitar. Speaking of which, Borchio (aka Mark, my uncle) is giving me weekly lessons now, so that's pretty cool. We spent like 5 fucking hours trying to play one riff of Black Sabbath's "NIB" right, now he's teaching me how to hammer and all this stuff, hard as fuck. Lol, funny thing, also. He spent almost two hours trying to record the "Anithesia" (I can't spell that at all, sorry) solo that Cliff Burton does on the 'Kill Em' All' Album, even though he played it perfectly the first time. The funny thing was at the end, he mixed in this crash sound ;;; Sacreligious, but really funny. SORRY CLIFF. . That's basically the only things that've changed in however many days it's been since I updated last. My lip is human again (yay!), and I'm stuck obsessed over Seth again (whom Renee` happens to know..connections..) which really, REALLY sucks. I think his friend likes me. I think I think about stupid shit. Blah. The End, lol. Oh. New pics are up, check out my uglyness. http://community.webshots.com/album/104959689DnTHDL ~Peace.
on Dec 19, 2003
Hey cool pictures and wow nice bass too! Umm, but don't do ya self in if they take it, just go out and get another one you'll be much happier that way. Merry Christmas to you! "Peace" GCJ